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Reflection Spaces at CCA

Our vision:

We know the extraordinary worth of all our children. Our vision is to provide the nurture and challenge to grow children believing in their own value, their academic successes, and their place in the wider family of school and community. We are all created in the image of God. Living life in all it’s fullness every day

‘I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.’ John 10:10

Reflection spaces at CCA are there to enable children and adults, of all faiths and none, a safe space within the classroom and wider school so that we flourish. They are one of the ways that we encourage our school community to live life to the full.

Reflection spaces can be used for lots of different reasons. These may include:

  • Space to take a breath and just be.
  • Space to explore life questions.
  • Space to explore spirituality and faith in a safe, creative and interactive way.
  • Space to draw our own conclusions.
  • Space for personal reflection.
  • Space to explore prayer.


There are several areas in school that are specifically set aside for these purposes. These are:

  • The area between admin and nursery on the top corridor
  • ‘The Place to be’ on the middle corridor
  • The prayer space within ‘The Place to Be’
  • Our edible garden outside
  • The reflection room within our nurture provision
  • The reflection room in the learning mentor’s room
  • The reflection space within each of the shared areas in KS1 and KS2
  • The reflection space within every classroom.

Teachers are responsible for setting up the reflection spaces in their areas, but it is expected that pupils who are part of the worship council will take some responsibility for the day to day running of reflection spaces in school.