For help with school uniform costs please see below.
Christ Church school uniform can be bought at Whittakers Schoolwear in Shipley. Please contact them to check stock availability and prices.
You may be eligible to receive a school uniform voucher to use at Whittakers – apply here or ask at the school office.
The uniform your child wears will depend on the key stage they are in:
- Christ Church Academy polo shirt, displaying the school logo.
- Green Christ Church Academy jumper
- Black trousers or skirt.
- Black shoes
- Christ Church Book Bag
- Christ Church Academy polo shirt, displaying the school logo.
- Green Christ Church Academy jumper
- Black trousers or skirt.
- Black shoes
- Christ Church Book Bag
- White Shirt with Christ Church Academy tie
- Green Christ Church Academy jumper
- Black trousers or skirt.
- Black shoes
- Christ Church Satchel
- White Shirt with Christ Church Academy tie.
- Green Christ Church Academy jumper
- Christ Church Academy blazer
- Black trousers or skirt.
- Black shoes
- Christ Church satchel
- White shirt with Christ Church Academy tie.
- Black Christ Church Academy jumper
- Christ Church Academy blazer
- Black trousers or skirt.
- Black shoes
- Christ Church satchel
PE Kits
Our pupils have 2 hours of physical education each week, which take place as an indoor and outdoor PE lesson. Each pupil will therefore need the following:
- Christ Church Academy PE T-shirt
- Black Shorts
- Black Pumps
- Black Tracksuit for outdoor games.
- Trainers for outdoor games
All kit must be named and kept in a Christ Church pump bag. Children can come to school in their PE kit on the days they have a PE lesson.