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01274 410349
Miss katie Bellwood – Nurture lead

Meet The Team:

Nurture + Lead : Miss Katie Bellwood

Nurture Support:  Mrs Winter

What is Nurture Hub?

‘Nurture groups are in-school, teacher-led psychosocial interventions focused on supporting the social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH) of children and young people. They are founded on evidence-based practices and offer an inclusive, targeted intervention that works in the long term. First and foremost, nurture groups focus on supporting students to form attachments to loving and caring adults at school. Unconditional positive regard is the most powerful mechanism for change.National Nurture networks

First and foremost, Nurture focuses on supporting students to form attachments to loving and caring adults at school. Alongside this we work on building skills to develop social interaction, team building, self confidence and self regulation skills.

School is committed to a nurturing ethos and will provide two caring and affectionate nurture practitioners within the classroom and a group of no more than 8 students. Children will have the opportunity to access mainstream classrooms when it is felt to be appropriate.

Social and developmental targets for each student are devised using the Boxall Profile, a detailed assessment of social and emotional functioning of children and young people. When the appropriate targets are met the student may be reintegrated into their mainstream class or transitioned into the most appropriate setting. The amount of time this takes will depend on each individual child.

Aims for Nurture Hub

  • To define and support acceptable standards of behaviour.
  • To encourage consistency of response to both positive and negative behaviour.
  • To promote self-esteem, self-discipline and positive relationships.
  • To encourage the involvement of both home and school in the implementation of this policy.
  • To maintain curriculum coverage.

Children have to be referred into Nurture by a member of staff in school. They will be assessed using the Boxall profile and other measures of SEMH before any decision about placement is decided. Placements will continually be monitored, reviewed and discussed with parents. Working with parents is a key part of a successful placement in Nurture.

Click on the following link to view our long term plan

Long Term Plan Nurture Hub

Any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Miss Bellwood on 01274 410349.

General Notices:

P.E is every afternoon (excluding Friday) Your child can wear PE kit on a Wednesday.

Nurture uses the entrance in the car park and you will have a time allocated for arrival and pick up so that you have time to discuss the day with the teacher. We expect parents to accompany their child too and from school each day to ensure a settled day at school.

Keeping in touch

We encourage constant communication between home and school, we want to share your child’s successes with you. To do this we aim to speak to parents daily to provide updates on progress.

We have a great space for learning which includes a ‘chill out room’, a fantastic sensory room and a deep pressure roller.

Every term we hold an ‘activity afternoon’ where we invited staff and children from across the classes to come and join in with our themed activities. We have become very talented face painters!

Each year we earn points towards our ‘WOW trip’! Last year we went wild swimming at Bolton Abbey.