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01274 410349

Jellybeans Before and After School Childcare

Jellybeans is our before and after school childcare provision

Our Breakfast Club opens at 7.30am and can accommodate children from Reception through to Year 6. On arrival the children are registered and can enjoy a range of stimulating activities. Breakfast will then be served before children are escorted to their classroom.

After School Club begins immediately after school and runs until 6.00pm. Children can take part in in activities of their choice and there will also be planned activities for them to take part in if they wish. A snack will also be provided.

Places at the clubs must be booked and paid in advance on ParentPay. Places are available on a first come first served basis. Children are not permitted to arrive on the day; this is to ensure that we have the right number of staff available to ensure your child gets the highest level of care.

The cost for breakfast club is £3.00 per day.
The cost for after school club is £5.00 per day from 3.20pm to 5.00pm or
£7.00 per day from 3.20pm to 5.30pm,
£9.00 per day from 3.20pm to 6.00pm.

All fees MUST be paid in advance on a weekly, monthly or half termly basis via Parentpay.

If you would like to book a place please complete a booking form available from the school office, or email our admin team

For any more information please contact our Jelly Beans Manager:

Rebecca Millar: 01274 410349

Please note: We now accept childcare vouchers and you may also be entitled to claim back child care costs through the tax credits system.  Visit for more information.