Our school policies are listed below. Simply click on the policy name and it will open. These policies will be reviewed as part of an ongoing cycle.
- Accessibility_plan-2022-25
- Assessment policy 2024-25
- Attendance Policy
- Behaviour Policy 2024-25
- Charging_and Remissions Policy 2024-25
- Critical Incident
- Collective Worship Policy
- Effective-Teaching-and-Learning-Policy-June 24-25
- EYFS policy
- Exclusion_Policy
- Feedback policy 2022 – 25
- First-Aid-and-Medical-Needs-Policy 2024-25
- Health and Safety Policy 2024-25
- Intimate care policy
- Lettings Policy 2023-25
- Mental Health and Wellbeing 2024-26
- Nurture policy 23-25
- Online Safety policy Sept 24-25
- Physical Intervention and Use of reasonable force policy 2022-25
- Pupil Supervision 2023-25
- RSE Policy
- Remote Learning policy
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- SEND Policy
- Spiritual-moral-and-social-development-policy-22-25
School can provide copies of all policies ( free of charge)
BDAT Policies
A link to the full suite of BDAT’s Policies can be found here.