Welcome to Year 3
Class teacher: Mr Dow
Teaching Assistants: Miss Wood and Miss Turvey

Mr. Dow
Class Teacher

Miss Wood
Teaching Assistant

Miss Turvey
Teaching Assistant
We have a Big Question in each class. Our Big Question is;
How has the world around us shaped us as communities??
Each lesson in Year 3 begins with a question, which helps us to develop our understanding and show our learning. These questions each tie into our termly learning, and our Big Question to answer at the end of the year.
Throughout the year, children use curiosity to follow the development of humans as they progressed from living as individuals to communities, and discover how changing climates and landscapes affect both survival and relationships. We will also consider how living in groups informs decisions and perspectives, and what we can learn about other communities. Children will consider how they can positively impact our local community and the wider world through compassion and understanding.
Our PE days are Tuesday & Friday
Children enjoy two hours of PE throughout the week. PE is every Tuesday and Friday in Year 3, and we encourage pupils to come to school dressed in their School PE Kit.
Religious Education
In RE, we will continue to develop our understanding of Christianity. Informed by our own experience of the world, we will use these to make connections to the Bible and learn more about Jesus’ message. We will also learn about Hinduism, and tie this throughout the curriculum.
Our Class Prayer
A Safe Place for All:
May our town be a safe place; by day and by night,
For young and for old, for rich and for poor,
For people of every colour and every faith,
May we be a community. Amen.
What do Christians learn from the Creation Story?
Pupils will learn about the Creation Story and that God tasked humans to be the stewards of the Earth, and reflect about how they can care for God’s world.
Children will learn about the Ten Commandments, and why it is important to follow guidelines. Pupils will also learn about the importance of Forgiving and Forgiveness, and reflect on how these impact our day-to-day lives.
What are the Deeper Meaning of Festivals?
Pupils will learn about the Hindu festival of Diwali, and compare this with the Christian festival, Christmas. Pupils will consider how each faith uses symbols, stories and rituals to celebrate and learn about their faith. Children will reflect how these festivals bring communities together, both at home and in places of worship.
What type of World did Jesus want?
Pupils learn about Jesus’ teachings of living with generosity and understanding, and explore parables which show this. Pupils will ask how they can show these qualities in their own lives, and how this can positively impact wider society. Pupils will also consider how other figures show generosity and understanding in their own lives.
Why do Christians call the day Jesus dies ‘Good Friday’?
Pupils will learn about the Holy Week, Jesus’ Crucifixion and his Resurrection. They will learn about the symbols and rituals in this story, and how these are reflected for Christians today.
When Jesus Left, what was the Impact on the Pentecost?
Pupils will learn about the story of the Pentecost and Jesus’ Ascension, and use different Bible Readings to show how Jesus wanted to live. Pupils will engage with the Fruits of the Spirit passage, and consider how this could impact their actions.
What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?
Pupils will learn that Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest and largest religions, and that many Hindus have a place of worship in their home as well as at their place of worship, a Mandir. Pupils will learn about the key beliefs of a Hindu, and the importance of symbols in worship.
Pupils access weekly PSHE lessons, which focus on developing socio-emotional skills. In these sessions, pupils are also able to raise any concerns or suggestions to the class teacher and the school council members.
Reading, Writing and Spelling
In Year 3, pupils begin to take ownership of their reading journey through the Accelerated Reading Program. Pupils read their books at home and school, and then exchange them in class after taking a book quiz in school.
Children begin to enhance their writing skills in Year 3,
Using these texts the children will explore a range of genres to create their own independent writing.
We also use the RWI Spelling program from Oxford Owl. This is completed each week and tested on a Monday
We teach maths everyday following White Rose Maths Hub.
Every day in Maths, children will complete a column of Ashley Downs Timestables practice. This will help secure the children’s times tables facts through repetition. The children are able to self mark and edit their own work.
On a Friday, children complete a small arithmetic paper to help them deal with time pressures and answering questions on the 4 operations and other questions.
Pupils are encouraged to practice at home using Times Table Rockstars
Our aim in science to build on pupil’s curiosity about their world, and encourage them to inquire scientifically by asking and answering their own questions through predictions, data collecting, investigating and experimenting. In Year 3, we access different schemes and programmes to enthuse pupils in their learning, such as STEM Ambassadors and Blue Peter. Each half-term we focus on a new subject and a new scientist whose studies link into our learning, and ensure that asking questions is at the heart of our learning.
What is our world made from?
What is light and how do we use it?
What is a magnet and how are they used?
Why are plants important?
Rocks Revisited: do volcanoes only destroy?
What am I made from and how does my body work?
History and Geography
Our learning journey begins in the Stone Age, as we question how people survived and why people began to settle down and live in communities. As we delve into the Bronze Age, we question how weapons altered day-to-day life and the how tribes began to take ownership of their landscapes.
Our journey then takes us into the Iron Age, and we begin to look at archaeological evidence found in our local community, and consider how the landscape is suited to Iron Age living.
Finally, we move into the Invasion of the Romans, Boudicca’s rebellion and the Impact the Romans had on Britain.
Art and DT
In Art and DT, we rotate over each half term, focusing on creating our end piece.
In Autumn 1 in Art, we focus on the artist, Hokusai and his ‘Wave’ . We use different media to create our own version of the wave using watercolour and oil pastels to create two different tones.
In Autumn 2 DT, we create Christmas decorations out of Salt Dough and sell them at the Christmas Fayre.
In Spring 1 in Art, we focus on Andy Warhol and his Pop Art style. We focus on the skill of printing.
In Spring 2 in DT, we create an Iron Age Pot out of clay, working on creating different marks and designs.
Music, French and Computing
Children enjoy weekly Singing Worships as a whole school, and in class access regular music lessons in class.
In French sessions, children learn to hold a short conversation with a partner using greetings, numbers, colours, fruit and time.
Computing – We follow Teach Computing Scheme and work through different skills on different apps and different websites