Welcome to Year 4
Class teacher: Miss Abbasi
Teaching Assistant:
Mrs. Holdsworth

Miss Abbassi
Class Teacher

Mrs. Holdsworth
Teaching Assistant
We have a Big Question in each class. Our Big Question is;
Are we stronger if we are together?
We have a big question in each class. In Year 4 our question is:
Are we stronger if we are together?
Children will demonstrate an awareness of how our country is composed and the different cultures and backgrounds, ideas and belief systems. They will understand the unique elements that they and others around them bring to the building of modern Britain.
Our classroom is a calming and nurturing environment.
We are proud of the learning we do, and our display boards represent this.
Our classroom
In year 4 the children are encourage to work at the tables independently or in groups. They have access throughout the day to the reading corner and the quiet reflection space. We also have the ability to work outside the classroom in the KS2 shared area – which has a large range of reading books and classroom space for group intervention work.
In Maths in year 4 we use White rose maths materials to support our curriculum. In the first term we will be focusing on Shape, Place Value, Addition and subtraction and Multiplication and Division. Each lesson we allocate time to practice key skills (KIRFS) such as counting and times tables. Within each lesson the children are given the chance to practice a skill with fluency questions and then stretched further with reasoning challenges.
In Year 4 the children take the National Times table test as set by the DFE. The children are expected to know their times tables to 12 x table. We spend time each week practicing these both in and outside of maths lessons. You can help your child further with this by logging
them on to their Times table Rockstar accounts at home. https://ttrockstars.com/
In English lessons in Year 4 we use a key text to allow us to focus on and understand the key grammatical concepts within the curriculum. In the autumn term, Year 4 will be reading the story of Beowulf and Podkin One Ear.
Children are given the chance within a unit of English to understand the text and its features, then learn and practice the grammar within the year 4 curriculum, and then put this into practice with independent writing that is edited and published.
In reading skills lessons children will read a range of texts, focusing on understanding vocabulary and comprehension skills to fully understand different types of text.
We focus on a variety of different genres of book such as Charlie and the chocolate factory, how to be a Viking and Everest.
RE – In RE in Autumn Term 1 our key focus is: “What is it like to follow God?”.
In Autumn 2 we focus on: The trinity and the definition.
Spring 1 – Why do Christians name the day Jesus died as “Good Friday”.
Spring 2 – How do believers show their commitments during the journey of life?
Summer 1 – What does it mean to be a Sikh in Britain today?
Summer 2 – Focus on the impact of immigration and diversity.
We explore Christianity and Sikhism and focus on our school focus of following God and what this means.
History & Geography
What did the Vikings bring to Anglo Saxon Britain?
The Vikings came to Britain looking for new items t steal and trade. They wanted land that they could take and claim as their own. The benefits of owning England had flat land and easy farming. This made life easier than in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The children in year 4 will be exploring the life of the people in this time including their religious beliefs,
their approach to crime and punishment as well as their general lifestyle and its contributions to Britain. Mrs Parker is our History/Geography Leader within school and as a result has a wealth of knowledge to help immerse the children within this subject
We listen to a variety of different genres of music and styles within music lessons.
We explore a range of musical skills such as reading sheet music, chords, and composition. We also use Charanga to supplement children’s knowledge and understanding of Key musical terms. music lessons.
We learn to play the ukulele and a teacher from Bradford Music Service comes in on a Tuesday to teach our class how to play different songs and introduce us to a variety of music.
In Science this Autumn term Year 4 will be studying the unit of Animals including humans and understanding how animals live and adapt within their habitats. The children will both study the unit and also have the chance to investigate scientific enquiries during this too.
In computing in the Autumn Term the children will be covering two units designed to help them become more confident with digital technology. In the first Autumn half term we will be covering the unit ‘ We are software developers’ in which pupils plan, create, develop and test their own educational game for a target audience. In Autumn 2 the children will cover ‘We are Makers’ unit in which the pupils write and test their own micro:bit project, after analysing and modifying others.
Class Dojo
We use Class Dojo in year 4!
The children will get a Dojo point every time they do something impressive at school. All our parents are connected via the app.
This allows our families to be fully involved in everything that happens in Year 4. The children are proud of their achievements and want to share these with their families via the app.